

class wheezy.validation.ValidationMixin[source]

Used primary by service layer to validate domain model.

Requirements: - self.errors - self.translations


class MyService(ValidationMixin):

    def __init__(self, repository, errors, translations, locale):
        # ...

    def authenticate(self, credential):
        if not self.validate(credential, credential_validator):
            return False
        # ...
        return True
error(message, name='__ERROR__')[source]

Add message to errors.

validate(model, validator)[source]

Validate given model using validator.

wheezy.validation.try_update_model(model, values, results, translations=None)[source]

Try update model with values (a dict of lists or strings), any errors encountered put into results and use translations for i18n.

class wheezy.validation.Validator(mapping)[source]

Container of validation rules that all together provide object validation.

validate(model, results, stop=True, translations=None, gettext=None)[source]

Validates given model with results of validation stored in results. Be default the validation stops on first rule fail, however with supplied stop argument set False the result will get all errors reported by a rule.

There is a way to internationalize validation errors with translations or gettext.


checker module.

class wheezy.validation.checker.Checker(stop=True, translations=None, gettext=None)[source]

Intended to be used by unittest/doctest for validation rules. It is recommended to use test case per validator, test method per attribute, split by success check first than fails.


Returns a result of validation limited to attributes in kwargs which represents attributes of model being validated.


Returns first error reported by validator.


Returns all errors reported by validator.


Use validator for next series of checks.

class wheezy.validation.checker.Model[source]

Simulate plain python class, read-only dictionary access through attributes.


i18n module.


mixin module.

class wheezy.validation.mixin.ErrorsMixin[source]

Used primary by service layer to validate business rules.

Requirements: - self.errors


class MyService(ValidationMixin):

    def __init__(self, repository, errors, locale):
        # ...

    def authenticate(self, credential):
        if not self.factory.membership.authenticate(credentials):
            self.error('The username or password provided '
                       'is incorrect.')
            return False
        # ...
        return True
error(message, name='__ERROR__')[source]

Add message to errors.

class wheezy.validation.mixin.ValidationMixin[source]

Used primary by service layer to validate domain model.

Requirements: - self.errors - self.translations


class MyService(ValidationMixin):

    def __init__(self, repository, errors, translations, locale):
        # ...

    def authenticate(self, credential):
        if not self.validate(credential, credential_validator):
            return False
        # ...
        return True
error(message, name='__ERROR__')[source]

Add message to errors.

validate(model, validator)[source]

Validate given model using validator.


model module.

wheezy.validation.model.bool_value_provider(value, gettext)[source]

Converts value to bool.

wheezy.validation.model.bytes_value_provider(value, gettext)[source]

Converts value to bytes.

wheezy.validation.model.date_value_provider(value, gettext)[source]

Converts value to

wheezy.validation.model.datetime_value_provider(value, gettext)[source]

Converts value to datetime.datetime.

wheezy.validation.model.decimal_value_provider(value, gettext)[source]

Converts value to Decimal.

wheezy.validation.model.float_value_provider(value, gettext)[source]

Converts value to float.

wheezy.validation.model.int_value_provider(value, gettext)[source]

Converts value to int.

wheezy.validation.model.str_value_provider(value, gettext)[source]

Converts value to str.

wheezy.validation.model.time_value_provider(value, gettext)[source]

Converts value to datetime.time.

wheezy.validation.model.try_update_model(model, values, results, translations=None)[source]

Try update model with values (a dict of lists or strings), any errors encountered put into results and use translations for i18n.


patches module.


Patch for strptime regex cache max size.


Use cdecimal module globally. Pure python implementation in-place replacement.


rules module.

class wheezy.validation.rules.AdapterRule(converter, rule, message_template=None)[source]

Adapts value according to converter. This is useful when you need keep string input in model but validate as an integer.

class wheezy.validation.rules.AndRule(*rules)[source]

Applies all rules regardless of validation result.

validate(value, name, model, result, gettext)[source]

Iterate over each rule and check whenever any item in value fail.

value - iteratable.

class wheezy.validation.rules.Base64Rule(altchars='+/', message_template=None)[source]

Ensures a valid base64 string input.

class wheezy.validation.rules.CompareRule(equal=None, not_equal=None, message_template=None)[source]

Compares attribute being validated with some other attribute value.

class wheezy.validation.rules.EmailRule(message_template=None)[source]

Ensures a valid email.

class wheezy.validation.rules.IgnoreRule(*args, **kwargs)[source]

The idea behind this rule is to be able to substitute any validation rule by this one that always succeed:

from wheezy.validation.rules import ignore as regex

This way all regex rules are ignored within a scope of import.

validate(value, name, model, result, gettext)[source]

Always succeed.

class wheezy.validation.rules.IntAdapterRule(rule, message_template=None)[source]

Adapts value to an integer.

class wheezy.validation.rules.IteratorRule(rules, stop=True)[source]

Applies rules to each item in value list.

validate(value, name, model, result, gettext)[source]

Iterate over each rule and check whenever any item in value fail.

value - iteratable.

class wheezy.validation.rules.LengthRule(min=None, max=None, message_template=None)[source]

Result of python function len() must fall within a range defined by this rule.

class wheezy.validation.rules.MissingRule(message_template=None)[source]

Any value evaluated to boolean False pass this rule.

class wheezy.validation.rules.NotNoneRule(message_template=None)[source]

None value will not pass this rule.

class wheezy.validation.rules.OneOfRule(items, message_template=None)[source]

Value must match at least one element from items. Checks are case sensitive if items are strings.

validate(value, name, model, result, gettext)[source]

Check whenever value belongs to self.items.

class wheezy.validation.rules.OrRule(*rules)[source]

Succeed if at least one rule in rules succeed.

validate(value, name, model, result, gettext)[source]

Iterate over each rule and check whenever value fail. Stop on first succeed.

class wheezy.validation.rules.PredicateRule(predicate, message_template=None)[source]

Fails if predicate return False. Predicate is any callable of the following contract:

def predicate(model):
    return True
class wheezy.validation.rules.RangeRule(min=None, max=None, message_template=None)[source]

Ensures value is in range defined by this rule.

Works with any numbers including Decimal.

class wheezy.validation.rules.RegexRule(regex, negated=False, message_template=None)[source]

Search for regular expression pattern.

class wheezy.validation.rules.RelativeDateDeltaRule(min=None, max=None, message_template=None)[source]

Check if value is in relative date range local time.

class wheezy.validation.rules.RelativeDateTimeDeltaRule(min=None, max=None, message_template=None)[source]

Check if value is in relative datetime range local time.

class wheezy.validation.rules.RelativeDeltaRule(min=None, max=None, message_template=None)[source]

Check if value is in relative date/time range.

>>> r = RelativeDeltaRule()
>>> # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: ...
class wheezy.validation.rules.RelativeTZDateDeltaRule(min=None, max=None, tz=None, message_template=None)[source]

Check if value is in relative date range TZ time.

class wheezy.validation.rules.RelativeTZDateTimeDeltaRule(min=None, max=None, tz=None, message_template=None)[source]

Check if value is in relative date range TZ time.

class wheezy.validation.rules.RelativeUTCDateDeltaRule(min=None, max=None, message_template=None)[source]

Check if value is in relative date range UTC time.

class wheezy.validation.rules.RelativeUTCDateTimeDeltaRule(min=None, max=None, message_template=None)[source]

Check if value is in relative datetime range UTC time.

class wheezy.validation.rules.RelativeUnixTimeDeltaRule(min=None, max=None, message_template=None)[source]

Check if value is in relative unix range local time.

class wheezy.validation.rules.RequiredRule(message_template=None)[source]

Any value evaluated to boolean True pass this rule. You can extend this validator by supplying additional false values to required_but_missing list.

class wheezy.validation.rules.ScientificRule(message_template=None)[source]

Ensures a valid scientific string input.

class wheezy.validation.rules.SlugRule(message_template=None)[source]

Ensures only letters, numbers, underscores or hyphens.

class wheezy.validation.rules.URLSafeBase64Rule(message_template=None)[source]

Ensures a valid base64 URL-safe string input using an alphabet, which substitutes - instead of + and _ instead of / in the standard Base64 alphabet. The input can still contain =.

class wheezy.validation.rules.ValuePredicateRule(predicate, message_template=None)[source]

Fails if predicate return False. Predicate is any callable of the following contract:

def predicate(value):
    return True

alias of wheezy.validation.rules.AdapterRule


alias of wheezy.validation.rules.AndRule

alias of wheezy.validation.rules.CompareRule


alias of wheezy.validation.rules.IgnoreRule


alias of wheezy.validation.rules.IntAdapterRule


alias of wheezy.validation.rules.IteratorRule


alias of wheezy.validation.rules.LengthRule


alias of wheezy.validation.rules.PredicateRule


alias of wheezy.validation.rules.ValuePredicateRule


alias of wheezy.validation.rules.OneOfRule


alias of wheezy.validation.rules.OrRule


alias of wheezy.validation.rules.PredicateRule


alias of wheezy.validation.rules.RangeRule


alias of wheezy.validation.rules.RegexRule


alias of wheezy.validation.rules.RelativeDateDeltaRule


alias of wheezy.validation.rules.RelativeDateTimeDeltaRule


alias of wheezy.validation.rules.RelativeUnixTimeDeltaRule


alias of wheezy.validation.rules.RelativeTZDateDeltaRule


alias of wheezy.validation.rules.RelativeTZDateTimeDeltaRule


alias of wheezy.validation.rules.RelativeUnixTimeDeltaRule


alias of wheezy.validation.rules.RelativeUTCDateDeltaRule


alias of wheezy.validation.rules.RelativeUTCDateTimeDeltaRule


alias of wheezy.validation.rules.ValuePredicateRule


validator module.

class wheezy.validation.validator.Validator(mapping)[source]

Container of validation rules that all together provide object validation.

validate(model, results, stop=True, translations=None, gettext=None)[source]

Validates given model with results of validation stored in results. Be default the validation stops on first rule fail, however with supplied stop argument set False the result will get all errors reported by a rule.

There is a way to internationalize validation errors with translations or gettext.